Click on the YouTube logo's to see the video's.

More updates to come soon in the next few days.
This blog page is so that I can share my African Adventure with my friends,family and any other interested parties. I am no longer in Africa with North Star Foundation but I do still have many things to talk about so do keep coming back for more updates.
Well it's been a long time in coming but the Walvis Bay Wellness Centre will have its official opening on the 1st of December 2008.
This is a really proud moment for me as I put quite a bit in too getting the centre on the ground in Walvis Bay. But is has been a team effort. Even after I left Namibia for the last time there was still a fair bit of work to do and the team have done loads to ensure that the centre opens on a high note.
North Star Foundation Africa has now got a new team member to carry on from where I left off. Clementine comes from Spring Global Mail. Spring is part of the TNT family so it's great to see that the baton has been past on so that others can experience what I had for the past 6 months. Clementine will be based out of Namibia. Now to say I am not jealous would be an understatement! But I am glad to see that Clementine has already fallen in love with Namibia in such a short space of time.
I have been hearing great things about the Walvis Bay project. Good support from local businesses and the communities. Every one has really pulled together and I am sure they will continue to pull together. It's the Namibian way.
I unfortunately will not be able to attend the official opening of the centre on Monday the 1st of December. I am just a bit too busy to be honest. I never thought I would be too busy to go to Namibia but I am. I am currently in Scotland till the end of the week catching up with family then next week is an action packed week for me at work. The week after that, the same week of the opening, I am of to Germany for a few days with my best mate Brett to go and see a bit of Germany and to see a mutual mate of ours who now lives in Germany so its a bit hard to just juggle it all.
I will be there in spirit and my support will always be with this project that is so near and dear to my heart.
To the team........
All the best guys you deserve it. Job well done !
Walvis Bay Wellness Centre
This was emailed to me by a mate of mine in SA
Just wanted to share this with you as its so cool.
A regular occurrence at the Mfuwe Lodge in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia where the lodge was unwittingly built on the Elephant's traditional path through to some wild mango trees on the property. The herd of a dozen or so elephants walk through the lodge's reception area at least twice a day for about 4 weeks and then sporadically for about another 3 weeks to feed on the trees
No incidents reported to date!
Feeling a little "Home Sick" for Africa - this is one of the greatest songs from the "White Zulu" himself Johnny Clegg and Savuka - the clip that I have used is a remake of the classic with 17 top SA artists - it was done in support of the Starfish Greathearts Foundation, an international development charity that supports over 34,000 orphaned and vulnerable children across South Africa.
To me this just sums up Africa in all its glory.
I mean why do people have the urge to disclose every little aspect about what they are doing to complete strangers? Ok not all blogs are like this. Most have a topic and stay to that topic. Like photography, current events etc. People like to share information and a blog can be a powerful tool to get that information out to people on mass in an easy format.
I was never really a big fan of blogging my self. I often use blogs to find info on a variety of subjects but that was about it. Blogs about a little girl’s cat really annoyed me. Does the world really want to know how often your little cat has been sick? NO! I DON’T THINK SO! But the world does want to know about the latest innovations in the world of cellular communications or medical advancements. I also think people can learn from others experiences. Or share in someone’s adventures. This is the reason I am blogging. I wanted to share my experience with family and friends. And so far so good on that front. But am also finding that blogging is a great way to un-wind and it can be quite rewarding too.
People don’t just blog in the conventional way, in the written form like this blog, but via video and photography. I have been blogging in all three formats. Video on YouTube and photography on Flickr. I have been getting a real buzz out of blogging in the two visual formats. People I don’t know have been posting comments on the images they are seeing. This just encourages me to do more and to make the items more interesting. The reward is having someone comment on an item in your blog, YouTube or Flickr image. And there is a real special feeling of achievement when someone flags an item up as being one of there favourites.
But for me I thing the best thing about blogging is sharing my thoughts and experiences with my friends back in the
You can visit my Flickr photographic page by clicking on the Flickr logo bellow.
You can visit my YouTube video page by clicking on the YouTube logo bellow.
I wrote the following while I was in
I was feeling a bit low as just wished I could have shared the experience with my friends.
What is man without beasts?
If all beasts were gone,
Man would die from the great loneliness of spirit for
Whatever happens to the beast,
Also happens to the man.
All beings are connected.
(Chief Seathl 1855)
The above quote was found on the cover of the Kiambi Safari lodge guest info booklet.
It made me think, “What is a person with out the support of there friends?” It’s kind of the same thing. Friends are all connected and they play a vital part in our lives. Good friends are there for the up’s and the low’s in ones life. I know from my own experience that when one of my friends is low, I am low. If they are happy then I am happy. We are connected.
No I have not lost the plot, yet, or gone all philosophical nor am I depressed. I do how ever miss my friends back in the
On the flip side of thing I am getting to meet some fantastic people along the way.
Kiambi Safari Lodge is around 24 km away from the Chirundu boarder post between
Some of the people that have touched my life are the staff from “Coridors of Hope II” who are going to be running the Wellness Centre at Chirundu. When we opened the doors to show them the insides of the converted container it was like Christmas day to them. Loads of “OOOH’s!” and “AAAH’s!” from them. It was a great feeling to share with them. They are so driven now to getting every thing sorted for this centre.
As mentioned I am at a safari lodge at the moment. The staff here have made me feel very welcome and are all quite interested in the work I am doing here. Some of the guests too have shown an interest too in what I am doing. One such family is that of Mark, his wife, two young kids and his mom and dad. Mark also runs a safari lodge in
I guess I will have to settle with the second best way I can think of sharing my experience with you. Blogging. I do appreciate the comments I received from all of you who have viewed my blog. Keep them coming.
Will update this in a few days with links to photos I have taken while I have been on “
Photos of Chirundu Wellness Centre being off loaded and site preparations.
Well I have spent the last few days in
It has been a truly remarkable past few days. Right from the moment I arrived in this rather quaint little place. As we landed at the airport I could not stop thinking how much the scenery around the area reminded me of a movie I had watched not that long again called “Flight of the
It is quite literally wall to wall sand here.
So what have I been doing in this picturesque country? Well I have been here for the past 4 days aiding in running a
The survey is a questionnaire that we gave out to a team of 10 volunteers to go and interview our target group ( Commercial Sex Workers and Truck Drivers and Assistance) Our questionnaire had 7 section in it.
Section 1 – Socio-demographic information and employment (Gender, age and type of work etc)
Section 2 – Drivers and assistance – nature of work (How long they work how often they frequent the area and stay etc. General info on heath care and services are also collected at this point. )
Section 3- Sex workers – nature of work (How many working in the area how often they are working etc)
Section 4 – Risk and risk reduction (How aware they are of STI and HIV/AIDS and its associated risk and risk of infection to them self and others. Also we can ascertain how promiscuous people are in the area)
Section 5 – HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes (Questions on what they know about HIV/AIDS and how to seek information and there attitudes towards HIV/AIDS (have they been tested etc))
Section 6 – Condoms (do they know where to get them and how to use them?)
Section 7 – STIs (do they know how to identify an STI and where do they go to get treatment)
We did find out where the sex workers hang out and we were able to talk to them about what they were doing and get a good idea of there HIV awareness. We also found out that predominantly there cliental were more often than not seafarers than truckers. One of the reasons for this is they pay better. Truckers in the area don’t really park up for any great length of time. The reasons for this were not very clear. In most cases it was they have a quick turn around of off loading and loading. So it is going to be hard for us to justify a wellness centre to facilitate the truckers and the commercial sex workers in the area.
On the flip side I have been able to meet some really remarkable people during my stay here. The staff and volunteers at the “New Start” “Walvis Bay Multi Purpose Centre” have been incredibly hospitable to me. The volunteers who have helped collect the data from the survey have been incredible. All really eager to help out and get as much info that they could. They arraigned appointments with the girls so that they could sit down in a place they felt comfortable with to conduct the interviews. They asked additional questions of the drivers and the girls in order to try and shed some more light on where activities were happening. They were just so helpful. A great pleasure to work with. Every one we spoke to understood the importance of a wellness centre in the area and were willing to work with us to provide the data we required. Right down to the pub owner where the girls worked out of.
Some of the things that really struck me about
I have been really lucky to be given this opportunity to see
Some things I can recommend to anyone wanted to visit.
DO! Don’t just think about it just do it! You will not be disappointed.
I stayed in a fab place in Swakopmund, The Beach Lodge Hotel, some 35 – 40km away from the airport. The drive out there is well worth the distance. Walvis is very commercial so Swakop is where the holiday people tend to go. Loads of fab hotels and places to go. About half way between Swakop and Walvis there is a Dune Quad centre, Dare Devil Adventures. I had to pay a visit there as it was highly recommended. There are quite a few places that offer Dune Quad biking so just take your pick. The one just as you come into Swakop has had cliental of such likes of Brad Pit and Angelina Jolene.
I was lucky to get to go out as it was just myself and the guide. I think this made it extra special as the guide really went out of his way for me to show me some of the awesome wild life that resides in this barren hostile environment. Jackals, Chameleon and sand diving lizards to name a few of the inhabitants of the
You will see from the photos I had an awesome time out there and yes I did do work out there too and important work at that. (Click on link to see photos from Namibia)
I type this from
I flew down on a low cost airline called and wow what an airline. A there is a lot of low cost airlines that operate out of South Africa and this is my first experience with and I am glad to say it was a real fun experience. I mentioned in a recent blog that the glamour and the fun has been taken out of flying as a result of these low cost airlines making air travel as mundane as catching a bus or train. Its just an other form of public transport to some. Well I think Kulula may have turned that idea upside down and shook it all about.
Checking in was no different to any other airline I have been with. As long as your bags are within limit and you have all the correct paperwork with you this is a breeze at best.
But what really stuck me about this airline was its rather unorthodox way of dealing with health and safety issues and just trying to make air travel fun again.
There health and safety brief was not all that different from any other airline. They still show you how to fasten your seat belt around your “gorgeous” hips and that oxygen masks will be deployed if the price of SA fuel is to drop by ZAR2 or there is a sudden loss in cabin pressure. There is also no smoking on a Kulula flight and if you are caught you will be asked to leave the plane immediately! (Would love to see that at 35000 feet!)
The landing was just as funny – “Welcome to
This sense of humour does work. People listen and the message does get across. I also think it aids the people who are nervous flyers and helps them relax . 10 out of 10 It really brightened up my day that’s for sure.
My only regret on this flight was I did not have my camera with me as it was in my laptop bag in the bulk head and I could not take photos of the awesome views coming into
A government minister in South Africa has told police they should kill criminals if they threaten police or the community, reports say.
Deputy security minister Susan Shabangu said police "must kill the bastards [criminals] if they threaten you", the Star newspaper reported.
"I want no warning shots, you have one shot and it must be a kill shot," she told an anti-crime meeting in Pretoria.
"You have been given guns, now use them," she added.
"The constitution says criminals must be kept safe, but I say no," she added.
The minister was responding to questions from residents on what the police and government were doing to curb crime.
South Africa suffers some of the highest levels of violent crime in the world, with police figures showing an estimated 20,000 murders committed every year.
Now listening to this I was in stitches at first - in absolute disbelief that this could be said in public. Now public opinion on what was said is a bit mixed. People who have been victims of this seem to agree on this hole heartily ( or is it cold heartedly ) and the rest were rather mixed.