9 Jun 2008


I wrote the following while I was in Zambia a few weeks back.

I was feeling a bit low as just wished I could have shared the experience with my friends.


What is man without beasts?

If all beasts were gone,

Man would die from the great loneliness of spirit for

Whatever happens to the beast,

Also happens to the man.

All beings are connected.

(Chief Seathl 1855)

The above quote was found on the cover of the Kiambi Safari lodge guest info booklet.

It made me think, “What is a person with out the support of there friends?” It’s kind of the same thing. Friends are all connected and they play a vital part in our lives. Good friends are there for the up’s and the low’s in ones life. I know from my own experience that when one of my friends is low, I am low. If they are happy then I am happy. We are connected.

No I have not lost the plot, yet, or gone all philosophical nor am I depressed. I do how ever miss my friends back in the UK and do wish I had someone with me at the moment to share in the wonders of Zambia and the “Mighty Zambezi” river. Going “AWE!” “OOOOH!” “AWESOME!” or “WOW!” does not quite have the same impact when your on your own than when you are with someone.


On the flip side of thing I am getting to meet some fantastic people along the way.

Kiambi Safari Lodge is around 24 km away from the Chirundu boarder post between Zambia and Zimbabwe. I am currently here overseeing the setting up of a Wellness Centre just out side the border post.

Some of the people that have touched my life are the staff from “Coridors of Hope II” who are going to be running the Wellness Centre at Chirundu. When we opened the doors to show them the insides of the converted container it was like Christmas day to them. Loads of “OOOH’s!” and “AAAH’s!” from them. It was a great feeling to share with them. They are so driven now to getting every thing sorted for this centre.

As mentioned I am at a safari lodge at the moment. The staff here have made me feel very welcome and are all quite interested in the work I am doing here. Some of the guests too have shown an interest too in what I am doing. One such family is that of Mark, his wife, two young kids and his mom and dad. Mark also runs a safari lodge in Zambia on a working fish farm. His lodge is called Nsobe Game Camp. Nsobe is some 3 hrs away from Lusaka towards Angola. It has been great to meet such warm and welcoming people on my travels. It helps with the isolation that I could have felt if I had not been in contact with people like these. It makes such a difference.

I guess I will have to settle with the second best way I can think of sharing my experience with you. Blogging. I do appreciate the comments I received from all of you who have viewed my blog. Keep them coming.

Will update this in a few days with links to photos I have taken while I have been on “Holiday” (I mean working!)

Photos of Kiambi along with the boat trip on the Zambezi river. It was spectacular and I thank Mark and his family who I went with for making it quite a special occasion as it would have been really lame to have gone on my own.

Photos of Chirundu Wellness Centre being off loaded and site preparations.

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