28 Jan 2008

Why ?

I have been asked this question a few times over the past few weeks.

"Why do you want to do this assignment ?"

Its not an easy one for me to sum up really. There are loads of reasons for it but I guess the big reasons are as follows.

I grew up in South Africa and a bit in Zimbabwe so Africa on the whole has a very special place in my heart. Its where I call home. HIV/AIDS has also started to play a bit in my life too recently. With friends and there partners and family members being affected by this virus. Whilst in South Africa I had a part in the transport industry too, so it just sort of made sense. This assignment with the North Star Foundation will give me the opportunity to give something back, to a place that I hold so dear to my heart and also to an industry that has given me this opportunity to do this.

I think Africa will always have a bit of a hold on me.


Jacqui said...

Hi Peter,
I've read your 'African Adventure' blog and see that you have an interest in HIV... I work with Alan Whiteside, co-author of AIDS In The 21st Century (one of the best books on the subject). Alan has just published another book which will be available in SA mid-March 2008, in which you may be interested "HIV/AIDS: A Very Short Introduction". Would you be interested in being on our regular mailing list - we send out news about HIV, publications, issues, research, etc. from time to time - perhaps this could be useful for you?

Incidentally, we met with Luke Disney of TNT last year in London, who told us about the work TNT do in the HIV field.

Peter Black said...

Hi Jacqui,

If you wish to email me on m1tnt2006@gmail.com you can tell me a bit about who you represent and I would love to be on your mailing list.

Many thanks for your interest in my blog.
