A lot has happened in the 6 months since I left South Africa but a lot more has happened in the year since I arrived in SA.
So here is a bit of a recap of what was going on while I was in South Africa with North Star Foundation and what has happened with the projects.
South African Express Parcel Association (SAEPA) – During my time in South Africa I was responsible for being the impartial point of contact to get SAEPA’s Low Income Heath Care program off the ground. We investigated service providers and get the right people around the table to progress this project with SAEPA and service provider (iKhambi Care) During my last few days with North Star Foundation the Service Level Agreement was signed. This was a great milestone for this project. Ian Lubbe (North Star Foundation South Africa) was then handed the rains to take the project on to the next stage. Ian informs me that there are now two established clinic, Jet Park – near ORT Airport and Centurion – near Pretoria. This is a great start to this project but its still has a long way to go to meet the goals that were set back in 2008. I am sure its just a matter of time till these goals are met. Till then I wish this project all the best for the future.
Walvis Bay Wellness Centre – This project is one of the dearest to my heart. A lot of blood, sweat and tears was put into this project. Not just by myself but by the whole team. While I was on assignment with North Star I was able to take this project from its inception to getting the doors open, in order to treat and educate its first clients. Clementine took over from me after I left SA. She was able to take the centre to the next level and set up the official opening of the centre on Worlds Aids Day (1st December 08) From the photos it looked like a really super day and was well supported. Unfortunately I can’t have a happy story for all my projects. Last week the doors on this centre had to close due to lack of funds. I know North Star is busy trying to get this centre re-opened and I hope he is able to do so sooner rather than later.
Zambia – Chirundu Wellness Centre – Now here is a real success story. Getting the Chirundu Wellness Centre to Zambia was a mission in its own right. Just the logistics of the whole thing was immense. Nothing went as smooth as we had hopped on this project. Getting the unit to Zambia was one thing but getting it to its resting site was another thing all together. Having to pay a contractor to level the ground and get a transported to off load and site the container was two quite arduous tasks that needed to be done to get the centre on its way to being open. If that was not enough there was the small task of getting funds put in place. We had the money it was just getting it to Zambia that was the problem. Just to get the cash to Zambia took over a month. But all this hard work has paid off with Ian reporting that the site is seeing around 700 people a month! This is great news. This more than makes up for all the frustration of getting this centre open. Well done to every one who made this project as successful as it is today and long may it continue.
Zimbabwe – Beitbridge/ Chirundu (Zim side) – Well I did not have a lot to do with these projects but I thought it would be good to report on it. When I left South Africa I had sent the centre to Beitbridge, and it was being housed at Swift Transport till we could finalize the arrangements to get it placed at the old custom house. Since leaving SA North Star Foundation has got every thing in place for the move to open at the old custom house at Beitbridge and will be shipping the container for Chirundu (Zim side). Chirundu should be in place sometime in April if all goes to plan.
This is all great news and it still makes me feel very proud to have been part of North Star Foundation. North Star still plays a big part in my life. I keep in regular contact with the team in SA and its never very far from my mind.
As to what else is happening with North Star Foundation – Ian reports the following:
Malawi is still going strong and that plans are afoot to launch Wellness Centres in Kenya sometime in March. North Star Foundation are also looking at expanding into the DRC, Botswana, Tanzania and Mozambique. So loads on then. I wish the team all the best of luck
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