8 Mar 2008

The Person,

Over the past few days it has become clear to me that it takes a certain type of person to volunteer to go on a WPF assignment.


On the training course there were people from all manor of backgrounds. Male, Female, young and old alike. Just about every bit of land mass was covered by these people in some shape or form. People that are currently residing in Australia, India, UK, Chilly, Argentina, Italy, France, The Netherlands. Other countries like South Africa, Malawi, Switzerland, and Germany have all had a part in these people's lives at some stage.  


One thing that became very clear during our time together was that we all shared the same ambitions in life. We all wanted to make a bit of a difference in the world. No matter how small and insignificant it might be as long as we made a small contribution it would make a big impact on us.


I really enjoyed my time with these people. New friendships have been made and bounded together though this common ground we now all have. Language, gender and cultural differences have been left back home. We are now all just one…..


Members of an elite group of people with a common goal. To make, what might appear to be small to some but massive to others, a difference in the world.


As I sit at Frankfurt airport typing this up, I can not but wonder what adventures lay ahead of them with the School Feeding Program and Me, with North Star Foundation. All our adventures will be different but one thing is for sure they will all be memorable.


I wish them all the best and I look forward to reading there stories and seeing there photos.


Blog's for the teams that are going, and have gone, on the WFP School Feeding program with TNT can be found on the "Moving the World" website.


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