2 Mar 2008

The start of things to come

oooh sounds bad don't it ? Well I hope its not all down hill from here on in ! I am sure it wont be.

Been a bit of a bumpy start that's for sure.

A few weeks of hell at work, dealing with emotions that just dint seem to fit and a hotel shuttle that did not arrive. Great so far!

Well I am now in Rome. First impressions are not good so far. But it is early days. So far every thing I have been told about this place is true. You do take your own life into your own hands here just stepping out onto the pavement - never mind the road just the pavement can be a bit dangerous. I now know why Italy makes such fine sports cars. The car is god here - it has right of way and its a law unto its own. In the hour that I sat out side the airport waiting for the bus that would not arrive I saw so many road violations it was unreal. Cars driving over the pavement to get into another road as it was the shortest route I guess. People just stopping where and when they like ( but never to let you cross the road at a pedestrians crossing! ) madness! The taxi drive to the hotel was almost as hell raising as the landing.(Any landing you walk away from is a good one !)

Tomorrow I hope to get to see a little of this fine country and I hope my views on this place changes from it being so laid back every one is horizontal with out any respect for any other road users ( pedestrian or vehicular alike )

On the whole I am happy to be here as it means I have started my journey.

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